Dr. Manenti Antonio

Editor Name: Dr. Manenti  Antonio  

Country: Italy

University: University of Modena

Educational Qualification: Post-graduated training in Thoracic Surgery

Designation: Associated Professor of Surgery at the University of Modena

Department: Thoracic Surgery

Email:  antonio.manenti@unimore.it 

Research Interest: Stem cells in myocardiopathy, Thoracic Surgery and Oncology, Hepato-biliary diseases.


Dr. Antonio Manenti MD. Born in Reggio Emilia (Italy) on November 2nd 1940,  University degree in “Medicine and Surgery” at the University of Parma (Italy) on November 1964, Post-graduated training in General Surgery at the University of Modena (Italy) 1965-1970, Post-graduated training in Thoracic Surgery at the University of Bologna (Italy) 1972-73,  World Health Organization Fellow for Thoracic Surgery in London (UK) February-April 1972,  Associated Professor of Surgery at the University of Modena (Italy) from 1984. Principal fields of interest, lung tumors, coronary artery pathology, tricuspid valve anatomy, portal hypertension, biliary tract surgery, tumor immunology.

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Manenti

• Born in Reggio Emilia(Italy) on November 2 1940

• University degree in “Medicine and Surgery” at the University of Parma (Italy) : November 1964;

• Post-graduated training in General Surgery at the University of Modena (Italy):  1965-1970;

• Post-graduated training  in Thoracic Surgery at the University of Bologna (Italy) : 1972-73

• WHO fellowship in Thoracic Surgery in London (Brompton Hospital) : January –March 1972. 


1. The senescence process of internal thoracic artery. (In coll.) J interdiscipl Histopathol 2013;1.58-61.

2. The inducing POZ-Krupple Factor (ThPOK) is a key regulator of the immune  response  since the early steps of colorectal carcinogenesis. (In coll.) PLOS ONE 2013; 8: eS4488.

3. Abdominal aortic aneurysm with double rupture in the retroperitoneum and the inferior vena cava. (Letter) (In coll.) Tex Heart I Journ 2013;40:211-2.

4. Computed tomography aids minimally invasive mitral valve surgery (Letter) (In coll.) Tex  Heart I Journ 2013;40:211.

5. Altered expression of apoptosis biomarkers in human colorectal microadenomas. (In Coll.) Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers  Prev 2010; 19: 351-7.

6. Revisiting the pathological evaluation of the thoracic aortic aneurysm. (In coll.) J Interdisciplin Histopathol 2013:ISSN 2146-8362.

7. Surgical approach to intramyocardial administration of bone marrow stem cells in an animal model. (In coll.) Ann It Chir ahead of print 22 ott. 2012.

8. Acute cholangiohepatitis: toward a new clinico-radiological syndrome. (Letter) (In coll.)  J Am Coll Surg 2013; 216:507.

9. Computed tomography in aid to direct aortic access. (Letter) (In coll.) Ann Thorac Surg 2013:95:1137.  

10. Perisplenic venous congestion complicating hydatid disease. (In coll.) The N Iraqi J Med 2013; 9:78-80.

11. A new look inside the pathogenesis of the thoracic aortic aneurysm (Letter) (In Coll.) Ann Thorac Surg 2013; 96:1124-5.

12. Revisiting the pathological evaluation of the thoracic aortic aneurysms. (In Coll.) Interdiscipl .Histopathol 2013; 1:267-9.

13. A simplified approach to incisional hernias.(Letter) (In Coll.) J Am Coll Surg 2013; 217:167.

14. Cholangitis and cholangiohepatitis: the role of magnetic resonance. (In Coll.) The N Iraqi J Med 2013; 9: 53-6.

15. The pelvic compartimental syndrome. (Letter) (In Coll.) J Am Coll Surg 2013; 217: 374.

16. The pathological sequence behind the aortic valve regurgitation (in Coll). J-Cardiovascular Surg 2013; 1: 47-50.


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