Photios Anninos

BSP Neurology and Neurodisorders Case Reports

Editor NamePhotios Anninos


Designation: Professor


Country: Greece


University: University of Thrace




Dr. Photios Anninos received his BS in Physics from the University of Athens1960), Greece, his MSC in high energy physics from Syracuse University (1966)and a PhD in Medical Physics from Syracuse University, USA(1969).Dr.Anninos then undertook Post Doctoral training in Anatomy and brain Research Institute  at the University of California, LA, USA.He then became Assistant Professor of Biomathematics and Research Anatomist in the School of Medicine, University of California, LA, USA.


Dr. Anninos then became Assistant Professor of Physics in Concordia University of Montreal, P.Q. Canada and Associate Professor of Physics at the same University in Canada. He then moved to Greece and became Associate Professor of Neurology and Full professor of medical physics in Democritus University of Thrace Alexandroupolis, Greece.Finally he is now Emeritus Professor in the School of Medicine Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece.He has published more than 200 original research articles in journals including research for epilepsy, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, autism, neural net models and in chaos theory.In addition he is using SQUID technology  for diagnostic purposes and TMS in order to see its effects to patients with CNS disorders.



 1. Biophysical Society

 2. Neuroscience Society

 3. New York Academy of Science

 4. International Brain Research Organization

 5. International Kongress der Gesellschaft

 6. Greek Neuroscience Society

 7. Board of Directors in the American Biographical Institute

 8. Editorial Board member in various journals.



[a] Nuclear Physics [High Energy Physics] Pd-->KK [P] at rest in Bubble chamber. From 1960-1968

[b] Theoretical Biophysics [from 1968-present] Theoretical neural models to understand the structure and function of the Central Nervous System [CNS], models for memory, models for the abnormal function of CNS, models for the topology of the connections in CNS and finally, models for the electromagnetic radiation from the brain. The above models were established using theoretical and computer simulation techniques.

[c] Experimental Neuroelectrophysiology [1969-1980].


[i] Intracellular recordings from the optic center of the cat's brain as well as Electroencephalographic [EEG] measurements in order to determine the topology of neuronal connections and also to correlate our theoretical and experimental results.


[ii] Measurements with my Ph.D student J.A. Tetenes of the electromagnetic intensities using the medical linear electron accelerator in the Albert Einstein Institute [Department of Radiology] for patients with artificial cardiac pacemakers.

[iii] Measurements of Magnetoencephalogram [MEG] 3 mm from the skull of the patients using electronic devices known as SQUIDs [Super-Conducting-Quantum-Interference-Devices].


The MEG measurements that we get with the SQUID we can correlate with the theoretical studies [Internat J Theor Phys. Vol.12, no.1, pp.9,1975] in order to determine a new coordinate system which is going to inform us about the physiological state of CNS of a particular individual. Measurements of this kind have been performed [1975-1980] in the Laboratory of Biophysics in the Department of Physics of Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, in which I was the principal investigator and director of it. The continuation of the above experimental research started also in July,1984 in the University of Munster, Munster, FRG, from a grant which was given to me from the Greek and German Ministries' of Research and  Technology agreement. In this program, we succeeded to localize epileptic foci in patients suffering from epilepsy and we published the results in International Journal of Neuro-science, vol.38, p.149. Since then, and specifically from May 1987 until now, we continue this kind of measurements with the SQUID in the Laboratory of Medical Physics of the Democritus University of Thrace. In addition, we invented a method of applying weak varying external magnetic field in patients suffering from epilepsy and other neurological disorders with similar characteristics to those which are emitted from the brain of the patients. Using this method, we were able to attenuate brain disorders (epilepsy, Parkinson, MS...) in more than a 1000 of patients.

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