Dr. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng

International Research Journal of Clinical Studies and Pharma Trends

Name:  Dr. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng


Journal Role: Editor-in-chief


Designation: Faculty of Pharmacy; Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine (PUGScM),


University: Perdana University, Malaysia


Country: Malaysia


Email: wendyyeo@perdanauniversity.edu.my


Area of Interest: Medical biotechnology, Regenerative medicine, Gene therapy, Stem cells, Molecular Biology, Oncology


BIOGRAPHY: She completed her Ph.D. in Medical Biotechnology from Universiti Putra Malaysia and Health Biology (cotutelle)  from Universitѐ de Montpellier.



1. Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Biotechnology/ Health Biology (coutelle) Universiti Putra Malaysia / Universitѐ de Montpellier (coutelle). [2015] Dissertation: Differentiation of Muscle- derived Stem cells into Beta Pancreatic Lineage

2. Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology, Universiti Putra Malaysia [2009], Dissertation: Dextran-spermine as a Potential Gene Transfer Vector for Lung Gene Therapy

3. Bachelor Of  Science (Honours) in Bichemistry (First class Honours), Universiti Putra Malaysia [2007] Thesis: Isolation and Screening of Dye-degrading Fungus



1. Affiliate of the Young Scientist Network - Academy of Sciences Malaysia (2015- current)

2. Genetics Society of Malaysia (2008-current)

3. Golden Key Society (2006-current)

4. Institute of Bioscience Postgraduate Club, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (Second semester 2010/2011) (Vice President)

5. Institute of Bioscience Postgraduate Club, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (First semester 2010/2011) (Vice Secretary)

6. Student member of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society of Malaysia (2010- 2011)




• Best poster presentation at Perdana University Research Day 2020

• Consolation Prize for Young Scientists Network-Academy Sciences of Malaysia-1st Creative Science Writing Competition 2014

• Scholarship holder for mobility programme, ERASMUS MUNDUS (MAHEVA) at Institute of Human Genetics, Montpellier, France. (December 2011 - December 2013)

• Bronze Medal for Poster Presentation at the Scientific Cancer Research Exhibition in Conjunction with World Cancer Day 2011

• Best of the Best Poster at the International Conference on Nanotechnology- Research and Commercialisation (ICONT 2009)

• Anugerah Kecemerlangan Pelajar Tahun Akhir (17 March 2007)

• Dean's Award, Faculty of Biotechnology and Bio molecular Sciences, UPM Semester 2 (2006/2007)

• Dean's Award, Faculty of Biotechnology and Bio molecular Sciences, UPM Semester 1 (2005/2006)

• Dean's Award, Faculty of Biotechnology and Bio molecular Sciences, UPM Semester 2 (2004/2005)

• Dean's Award, Faculty of Biotechnology and Bio molecular Sciences, UPM Semester 1 (2004/2005)

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1. Agus Iwan Foead, Wendy Wai Yeng Yeo, Thirupathirao Vishnumukkala, Michael Larvin (2019). Rehabilitation in spinal muscular atrophy. Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2:62-70.


2. Violeta Mitutsova, Wendy Wai Yeng Yeo, Romain Davaze, Celine Franckhauser, El-Habib Hani, Syahril Abdullah, Patrice Mollard, Marie Schaeffer, Anne Fernandez, Ned JC Lamb (2017). Adult Muscle-derived stem cells engraft and differentiate into insulin-expressing cells in pancreatic islets of diabetic mice. Stem Cell Research and Therapy 8:86.


3. Yeo WWY, Mitutsova V, Davaze R, Fernandez A, Lamb NJ and Abdullah S (2014). The Differentiation Potential Of Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Into Pancreatic Islet-Like Cells. Regenerative Research 3(2) 2014 58.


4. Wendy Wai Yeng Yeo, Hossein Hosseinkhani, Sabariah A Rahman, Rozita Rosli, Abraham J Domb and Syahril Abdullah (2014). Safety Profile of Dextran-Spermine Gene Delivery Vector in Mouse Lungs. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14(5):3328-3336. 


5. Mei I Lai, Wai Yeng Wendy-Yeo, Rajesh Ramasamy , Norshariza Nordin, Rozita Rosli, Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam and Syahril Abdullah (2011). Advancements in Reprogramming Strategies for the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Journal of Assisted Reproduction Genetics 28(4):291-301.


6. Norshariza Nordin, Mei I Lai, Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam, Rajesh Ramasamy, Syahril Abdullah, Wai Yeng Wendy-Yeo and Rozita Rosli (2011) Induced Pluripotent Stem cells: History, Properties and Potential Applications. Medical Journal of Malaysia  66(1): 4-9.


7. Syahril Abdullah, Wai Yeng Wendy-Yeo, Hossein Hosseinkhani, Mohsen Hosseinkhani, Ehab Masrawa, Rajesh Ramasamy, Rozita Rosli, Sabariah A. Rahman and Abraham J. Domb (2010). Gene Transfer into the Lung by Nanoparticle Dextran-Spermine/plasmid DNA Complexes. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 284840.


8. Wai Yeng Wendy-Yeo, Rozita Rosli, Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam, Sabariah A. Rahman, Abraham J. Domb and Syahril Abdullah (2010) Optimal Transfection Conditions and the Safety Profiles of Dextran-Spermine/Plasmid DNA as a Potential Gene Transfer Vector to Mouse Airway. Medical Journal of  Malaysia 65(2) Supplement B. 


9. Wai Yeng Wendy-Yeo, Sabariah Abdul Rahman, Rozita Rosli and Syahrilnizam Abdullah, (2010). Gene transfer into mouse airways using polycation based nanoparticle gene delivery system. Journal of Industrial Technology 19 (1). pp. 167-178.




1. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng (24 May 2020). What is a vaccine?. The Star Malaysia.


2. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng (20 May 2020). Using 5G Technology to Fight COVID-19. BERNAMA.


3. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng, You Xinli (31 March 2019). New hope for brain tumour. The Star Malaysia.




1. Jason Yang Jien Lim, Radha Kodiappan, Wendy Wai Yeng Yeo. (2020). Identification of microRNAs (miRNAs) That Regulate Survival Motor Neuron (SMN2) in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: An In Silico Analysis. Perdana University Research Day, Perdana University, Malaysia.

2. Ned Lamb, Wendy Yeo, Anne Fernandez. (2019). Adult Muscle-derived stem cells engraft and differentiate into insulin-expressing cells in pancreatic islets of diabetic mice relieving hyperglycemia. 28th European Diabetes Congress, Jul 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

3. R. Kodiappan, C.S. Chan, W.W.Y. Yeo, S.F. Mansor1, H. Husin, F.A. Ghani, R. Yunus, S. Vellasamy, A.H.A. Razack, O.T. Aik, A. Veerakumarasivam (2015). Upregulation of miR-137 suppresses the malignant phenotype of bladder cancer cells by targeting the histone lysine demethylate 5B (KDM5B). 11th Malaysia Genetics Congress. Perdana University, Malaysia.

4. Yeo WWY, Mitutsova V, Davaze R, Fernandez A, Lamb NJ and Abdullah S (2014). The Differentiation Potential Of Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Into Pancreatic Islet-Like Cells. 5th Malaysia Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting. Hotel BangiPutrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia. (Oral presenter)

5. V. Mitutsova, R. Davaze, W.W.Y.Yeo, M. Schaeffer, M.L. DiFrancesco, D. Mamaeva, P. Mesirca, M., M. Schaeffer, M. Mangoni, N. Lamb and A.Fernandez (2013). Skeletal MuscleDerived Stem Cells Show In Vitro and In Vivo Multi-lineage differentiation. 11 èmes Journées de la Société Française de Myologie, Montpellier, France.

6. Ned J. Lamb, Wendy W.Y. Yeo, Violeta Mitutsova, Marie Schaeffer, Patrice Mollard and Anne Fernandez (2013). Muscle-Derived Stem Cells differentiate into beta islet-like cells in vitro and engraft as insulin-expressing cells in the pancreas of stretptozotocin-treated mice. Regenerative Medicine: From biology to therapy. Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.

7. Mitutsova V., Davaze R., Yeo W.W.Y., Schaeffer M., Arsic N., Mamaeva D., Mesirca P., Mangoni, M., Lamb N. and Fernandez A (2013). Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem Cells show in vitro and in vivo multi-lineage differentiation. Deuxième congrès « Autour de la Cellule Souche ». Université Bordeaux IV, France.

8. Wendy Wai Yeng Yeo, Violeta Mitutsova, Marie Schaeffer, Patrice Mollard, Anne Fernandez and Ned Lamb (2013). Differentiation of Adult Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem Cells into insulin-expressing Beta-Like Cells. 11 ème congrès de l'Ecole Doctorale CBS² : «Les Journées CBS² 2013 ». Montpellier, France. (Oral presenter)

9. Mitutsova V., Yeo W.W.Y., Lamb N. and Fernandez A (2012). Adult Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Show Multi-Lineage Differentiation Including Into Beta-like Cell Progenitors.  ème congrès de l'Ecole Doctorale CBS² : «Les Journées CBS² 2012 ». Montpellier, France.

10. Wendy-Yeo W.Y., Rahman S.A., Rosli R., Domb A.J. and Abdullah S (2011). DextranSpermine/Plasmid DNA Complex as a Potential Non-Viral Vector for Lung Cancer Gene Therapy. Scientific Cancer Research Exhibition in Conjunction with World Cancer Day. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. (Poster presenter)

11. Syahril Abdullah, Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng, Rozita Rosli, Sabariah A. Rahman, Abraham J. Domb (2010). Transfection Efficiency and Safety Profiles of Nanoparticle DextranSpermine/Plasmid DNA Complexes in the Mouse Lungs. 18th Annual Congress of European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Milan, Italy.

12. Wendy-Yeo W.Y., Rosli R., Veerakumarasivam A., Rahman S.A., J. Domb A.J. and Abdullah S (2010) .Optimal Transfection Conditions and the Safety Profiles of DextranSpermine/Plasmid DNA as a Potential Gene Transfer Vector to Mouse Airway. 3rd Malaysia Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. (Oral presenter)

13. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng, Hossein Hosseinkhani, Abraham J.Domb, Sabariah Abdul Rahman, Rozita Rosli and Syahril Abdullah (2009). Nanoparticle dextran-spermine based gene delivery system mediates efficient gene delivery into the mouse airways. International Conference on Nanotechnology, Langkawi, Malaysia. (Poster presenter)

14. Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng, Rajesh Ramasamy, Hossein Hosseinkhani, Abraham J.Domb, Sabariah Abdul Rahman, Rozita Rosli, Syahril Abdullah (2009). Dextran-spermine polycation mediates efficient gene delivery In Vitro. 8th Malaysia Genetics Congress, Awana Genting, Pahang, Malaysia. (Poster presenter)

15. S Abdullah, Wendy WY Yeo, H Hosseinkhani, IY Farber, R Rosli, SA Rahman and AJ Domb (2009). Dextran-spermine nanoparticle as a potential gene transfer vector confers mild inflammatory responses in murine airway. 3rd Regional Conference on Molecular Medicine, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. (Oral presenter)


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